Heading types
Smart Metering
- • Vide Government Order No. 181-PDD of 2018 dated 13-08-2018, RECPDCL was engaged as Project Management Agency for preparation of Action Plan & DPR for UT Ladakh for installation of 60,000Nos. of Smart Metering in Ladakh.
- • Tenders for installation of smart metering in Ladakh has been floated by RECPDCL, being the PMA and same has been evaluated & finalized and LOA also issued to the successful L1 bidder.
- • Ministry of Power, GoI issued guidelines vide OM No. 26/9/2015-IPDS, Dated 16/8/2018 whereunder it was advised that all new consumer installations shall be provided with smart pre-paid meters and existing conventional meters shall be replaced with smart pre-paid meters during the tender validation period.
- • Phase I involved the deployment of 60,915 smart meters, comprising58,657 consumer meters and 2,258 system meters, and is nearing completion.
- • Prepaid will bedone after completion of UBS (Utility Billing System) Implementation.
- • Due to increased number of Consumers, Installation of Smart Metering under Phase II has been initiated in UT of Ladakh on a DBFOOT basis.